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Houseplant Popularity: Fun Facts and Figures

Houseplants have become more popular than ever, and their benefits are becoming well-known. Here’s a look at some interesting facts and figures about the world of houseplants.

The Growing Houseplant Market

The houseplant market has been booming, with the global value reaching $52.3 billion in 2019. By 2027, it’s expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8%, making it a $77.3 billion industry.

Millennials Love Houseplants

Younger generations, especially millennials (born between 1981 and 1996), are driving the houseplant trend. A survey found that 30% of millennials own houseplants, and this number is on the rise.

Plants next to a desk in an office.

Houseplants and Mental Health

Having plants around can improve your mental well-being. Studies show that indoor plants can lower stress, increase focus, and boost your mood. They can also improve air quality by removing toxins and producing oxygen.

Most Popular Houseplants

Some of the most popular houseplants include the Snake Plant (toxic to pets), Spider Plant, and Pothos (toxic to pets). These plants are easy to care for, making them great choices for beginners and busy people, but just because they are popular doesn’t mean they are safe around pets. Be sure to check out any toxicity issues with plants you are looking at and ensure they are safe to have around your pets.

You can reference our handy plant database tool, that helps identify toxicity conflicts between pets and plants or simply ask our pet+pLant Advisor, which is super useful as plants have a ton of common names, seriously it is annoying. The pet+pLant Advisor allows you to ask any question pet+pLant relqted and will give you a real-time response to questions like, “Are Snake Plants, Spider Plants and Pothos plants toxic to pets?”. Try it out!

Houseplant Care on Social Media

People are turning to social media for houseplant care advice. The hashtag #houseplants has over 5 million posts on Instagram, and there are numerous Facebook groups dedicated to plant care, where people can ask questions and share their experiences.

Houseplants in the Workplace

Plants in the office can make employees happier and more productive. Studies found that adding plants to the workspace can increase productivity by up to 15% and create a more pleasant environment.

Here’s a comprehensive list of plants for rooms with no windows.

english ivy on a ladder next to a desk and computer for plants for rooms with no windows article.

The Most Expensive Houseplant

The most expensive houseplant ever sold was a Variegated Monstera, which was bought for $5,000. This rare plant has beautiful white and green leaves, making it a highly sought-after item among plant enthusiasts. (Keep in mind… Monstera plants can be toxic to pets FYI)

So as you see, the houseplant trend is here to stay. People of all ages, especially millennials, are realizing the numerous benefits that come with adding greenery to their living spaces. As more people discover the joy of houseplants, the market will continue to grow, making houseplants an essential part of modern living.

Additional Resources

Indoor Plants Safe For Dogs
Toxic Plants For Pets
How To Stop Dog Urine From Killing Grass Naturally
Bermuda Grass vs. Fescue

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